If I could save time in a bottle... that would be one heavy bottle.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Eternal Significance

One of the coolest things for me to sit and think about is the web of relationships that I've had a chance to be a part of. I often sit and think about how cool it is that I know someone who knows someone who knows someone... you know, 6 degrees of separation.

This is especially interesting when I hear or come across something that impacts my life. It's tough to say in a moment which things will truly change my life, but it's not tough to know which things change my day... and changed days always have potential to change my life.

In particular I began listening to a sermon series called "Revangelism." Kyle Lake was a guy who has touched my life, and I never met him. I remember being shocked and stunned upon hearing about his tragic death. I was surprised at how much grief I had over a guy who I never met. Part of my grief stemmed from the understanding of the role he played in the movement of the Church. I'm always fascinated by people who are on the cutting edge of anything.

Most of my heartache, however, came because of my web of relationships. I know a disproportionate (for a guy who hasn't been in college for 6 years and lives in San Antonio)number of peple who go to Baylor and who are and were directly impacted by Kyle's life. It's almost as if I could see the fingerprints all over the people that I loved and respected. Then today, driving in my car with Kyle coming through my iPod talking about Dave in an operating room, I realized that his ministry and legacy continues. Through a life lived on purpose, I am today being challenged to think about the way I engage my culture with the Message.

Technology has allowed Kyle's voice to reach my ears and touch my heart, but I've been moved by the story of St. Francis and the advice of Brother Lawrence. I've been comforted by St. John of the Cross... over and over and over in my life I find my perspective and worldview shaped by voices from the past, both recent and distant.

I'm thankful that certain voices age like wine, and their tales and heart beat through their words and across space. I think nothing less should be the goal for followers of Christ. For those who have been offered a life of abundance, when we grab it, realize it, and begin to live in it... it's the abundance that flows down and trickles into the lives we pass on the way.


Singleton said...

This feels so good to hear. I don't really know why, but it does.

I don't know if we've been over this before or not, but you'd love "Understanding God's WIll: How to Crack the Equation without using formulas" and "Re:Understnading Prayer" by Kyle. If you haven't already, check em out. (That goes for the blog readership too. specifically the readership that reads the comments...

Jason Powers said...

I just finished Reunderstanding prayer... fantastic. Powerful... amazing. I'm in the middle of Revangelism... equally powerful. I'll check out cracking the equation for sure. I'm grateful for lives like Kyle's that point boldly and unapologetically toward Christ.

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As the self-proclaimed and happy-to-meet-you Small Group zealot at River City Community Church, my hope is that this page will make you laugh, learn, grow, smile, and most of all cherish the role you’ve been given to play in the Family. I believe Small Group leadership is the most strategic role in the local Church.