If I could save time in a bottle... that would be one heavy bottle.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Benjamin Franklin's revenge

"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

Damn you Mr. Franklin!! While not ironic in the Alanis Morissette-ian sense, it certainly was a dreadful coincidence and run of bad luck that yesterday was the day that I had to sit down and write Uncle Sam a $1 check for my taxes, and almost as if to recompense an insult... my crabby uncle in the striped suit and stovepipe hat stole an hour from me as I slept. The cursed midnight thief! The inevitable hour of my demise draws ever closer, and all I get is one hour gone! If something happens to me before October, I'm going to be pissed. (I guess this is not directly Ben Franklin's fault, but submitted for your approval... he pops off with the death and taxes thing, he happens to be one of the fathers of American government, and the government is responsible for daylight savings time... conincidence? You decide.)

Be here now.


Singleton said...

ha! A wise man once said that our currency in the US look like baseball cards with slave owners on them.

Jason Powers said...

I'll trade you 5 Lincoln's straight up for a Franklin. I'll even sweeten the deal with a few Washington's... rookie year.

Chris Coggins said...

Did you include a tip for your not-so-well dressed Uncle?

Jason Powers said...

He insists. Something about patriotism or whatever... I told him, "Do you remember the scene in Forrest Gump where the guy is standing infront of the Washington monument who 'sure did like to use the F word' well he was wearing a flag, and he sure wasn't a patriot." I then offered him a pair of cargo shorts and faded t-shirt. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Singleton said...

? I am lost. I need to hear more of this tale.

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As the self-proclaimed and happy-to-meet-you Small Group zealot at River City Community Church, my hope is that this page will make you laugh, learn, grow, smile, and most of all cherish the role you’ve been given to play in the Family. I believe Small Group leadership is the most strategic role in the local Church.