If I could save time in a bottle... that would be one heavy bottle.

Monday, August 11, 2008

God said to me...

There was a day when I was much more ready, willing, and able to say, "God Spoke." Part of my new found hesitancy comes because I would read in the Bible about people who "spoke" for God when God didn't really speak at all. That's not God's favorite thing in the world.

Not to mention, there have been times when I've really felt like I heard God speak something, only to have it not happen. I hate that because it further reveals that the difference between God and I is really quite large. He graciously comes to be near to us, but on my best day it's an art rather than a science.

I have the opportunity to take a trip to the other side of the world, and I really want to hear God's voice. First, I don't want to miss something outstanding simply because I'm nervous or afraid. On the other hand, I don't want to travel half way around the world and leave a new wife and baby at home simply because I want to travel around the world.

So how do I discern between the voice of the Lord and the sounds of my own inner workings. A wise and trusted friend asked the question, "How has God spoken to you in the past?" That's a wonderful question, which leads into many of the same doubts that I mentioned earlier.

This is where I wish i had done a better job at cultivating the habit of humility. That's what I feel is most needed right now. My gut feels like I'm pressing, striving, borderline freaking out with the need and the desire to come to a decision. Humility says, "God's in control and He'll get me to where I need to go." Un-humility (pride, in biblical parlance) says that I have to figure it out. So here's my game plan.

  1. Pray - That means me. I've been praying about it for awhile, but not in the focused way that I need to. It's been a passing thought, rather than a time of sitting and asking the Lord to give me His wisdom.

  2. Be prayed for - I've asked a couple of people (and now I ask you) to pray for me. I don't know what they're praying, or how they're praying, but I trust that they love me and they are praying. That is such an encouragement to me, and makes me think that no matter what happens, it's all good.

  3. Worship - At some point between now and tomorrow evening when I want to make my final decision, I'm going to take a walk and just enjoy what God has done all around me. I'm going to spend some time confessing the areas where I've turned away from God, and then I'm going to celebrate the grace He's poured out to me. I'm going to listen to some Chris Tomlin & Dave Crowder and enjoy the sounds of souls singing to the heavens.

I'm going ot make a decision, and in faith I'm going to believe that I've made the right one. I believe that God is good, so if I (in faith) make the "wrong" decision, God in His sovereignty will make that known.

So pray for me. Pray that the greatest miracle of all - participation in the leading of God - will happen to me. But whatever happens, as I pray am prayed for and worship... it'll all be good.

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As the self-proclaimed and happy-to-meet-you Small Group zealot at River City Community Church, my hope is that this page will make you laugh, learn, grow, smile, and most of all cherish the role you’ve been given to play in the Family. I believe Small Group leadership is the most strategic role in the local Church.