If I could save time in a bottle... that would be one heavy bottle.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Five o'clock thoughts

It's been a long week, and here I am, a mish-mash of thoughts and blinking synapses. Here are a few of the things rattling around in my brain.
  1. Toby Keith feels my pain - I don't' often think of Toby Keith, but I love the song, "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was." It's not that it's got hooks, but it's a song that makes me look forward to getting older, but not in a sappy, nostalgic, "holy crap I'm going to die what is my legacy going to be," kind of way. Thanks for that Toby.
  2. I'm building a website - Actually, I'm doing very very little of it. The guy whose helping me out mostly is this guy who does this for a living. He' very good, and I'm very grateful. You can go see what I've got going at www.realityunwound.com. It's still taking shape, but my hope is that it'll be an informative place where people will come and read things that they might not ordinarily read, and care about things in a new way. See what happens. Stop by often. Leave lots of comments. Tell everyone you know.
  3. I care about political things - This last election wrecked me. It kills me to see something as huge, expansive, and nationally significant as one of the two major political parties in the United States have an absolute, complete, and total lack of leadership. You've probably noticed a turn in the topics of the posts here recently. I want to hear what you think, even if you think you don't care.
  4. Joel Runyon cares - This summer, Joel Runyon stayed at our house for a week and it was great. He's a neat guy. I had a post up awhile back about what you'd like to see more of. Joel, because he cares, badgered me about the results. Well, participation was underwhelming, but the results were that 80% of you (that means 4) wanted to hear my random thoughts, and 20% of you (that means 1) wanted to know what I was listening to. That means 80% of you care about my random thoughts. I feel special. I think that means that only 5 people read my blog, which means that maybe I shouldn't have spent money on a website... wow, hindsight is a mutha.
  5. I feel happy, oh so happy - Seriously. Life is good. I have a great family, I love what I do, the future looks bright, and God is good. Who could as for anything more?
So that's that. Five o'clock thoughts on a Thursday afternoon. If you're out there lurking, and you haven't dropped a line, I'd love to hear from you. Sooner than later I'm probably going to be switching over to www.realityunwound.com so stop by. Drop me a line. Share your thoughts. Tell someone else. Spread the word. Feel the love. Be the ball.


Kara said...

A new Phish live album is coming out next Tuesday - old show, but new release. I dig it.

Jason Powers said...

What's more... Phish is going to tour again in 2009!!

If you see me starting to grow out the dreads or smell like patchouli, feel free to smack me back into reality.

Joel Runyon said...

i do care!
and i laughed really hard after that.

but don't worry. I'll be reading your new blog :)

Kara said...

Reality is for losers! :)

About Me

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As the self-proclaimed and happy-to-meet-you Small Group zealot at River City Community Church, my hope is that this page will make you laugh, learn, grow, smile, and most of all cherish the role you’ve been given to play in the Family. I believe Small Group leadership is the most strategic role in the local Church.