If I could save time in a bottle... that would be one heavy bottle.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Being the Church... and going to one too.

There's a guy I know who moved his whole family to New York for the express purpose of living intentional missional lives. He was a denominational leader in the denomination that my church is a part of, and he tells about how he and his wife just started feeling called to go live in New York city. It's really an amazing story, and you can check out what he's doing here.

In an e-mail exchange, he made reference to "being the church while attending one (sometimes)" and I really liked that. At River City, I'm unapologetically the "small group zealot." It really worked out that I get to go do that every day and get paid for it, because it's what I'd gladly do for nothing (but don't tell my boss). I was far away from God and the church when I discovered community and I realized the power it has - power to destroy if it's focused on something essentially life taking, power to restore if it's focused on something live giving - but power none the less.

The reason I liked his comments about being the church while going to one (which he may or may not have borrowed from George Barna's book Revolution) is because it fundamentally taps into a conviction that I haven't necessarily communicated as well as I wish. The "mechanism" for community at River City Community Church is small groups. The primary way people find their way into a small group is through attending a River City worship gathering or event... I wonder what would change if the direction of those arrows were reversed... what if a primary way people discovered a River City worship gathering was through a small group?

That's what really captures my imagination and makes my palms sweat...

  • There are about 50 Life Groups (intentional discipleship small group) at RCCC.

  • There are about 20 Activity Groups (less frequent, event related gatherings)

  • There are atleast as many Service Groups (ministry specific communities).

  • There are probably close to 700 people in groups at RCCC (guestimate).

  • Each person in each group lives in a neighborhood.

  • Each neighborhood represented is filled with people whose lives are falling apart or are simply wrestling with the reality of insignificance. There are those who are going through divorces, having affairs, abusing their children, and countless other activities that simply fall short of the abundance that God wants to offer.

What if 700 people got freaked out about their neighborhoods? Not the scared, go into isolation type of freaked out, but the standing on a hilltop weeping for the hurts below type of freaked out. What if small groups decided that it was intolerable that the people around them would live without the type of life-giving community while they gathered within ear-shot?

Bill Hybels wrote a book called Holy Discontent. It's not the kind of book that's going to bend your brain, but it is the kind of book that should inspire you to get off the couch and do something. The thing I realized as I read this book is that my Holy Discontent is two-fold, 1)people living in isolation, and 2) people who aren't living in isolation not caring about people who are.

So that's my rant for today. Go check out Jeff & Christina Getz's site, go pick up Barna's book or Hybel's book or better still, find a group of people that you can gather with on a regular basis who will make you better and who will ask you to make them better. When you find those people, pray for God to expand it, then go looking for who He's sending and invite them. When you do that, Church stops being a place and starts being a living breathing life giving thing, infused with the power and life of God Himself. Who could say no to that?


Anonymous said...

4 months, 12 days.
(I'll put April 1st on my calendar.)

I got freaked out about my neighborhood. Like last night when a guy came to my door and said "You're EVIL! You're so EVIL!"

But I know that's not what you meant. I know what you mean.

Jason Powers said...

Your neighborhood sounds like fun! See you in April.

Anonymous said...

Yet another way to get freaked out about your neighborhood - I'm Vice President of our neighborhood homeowner's association. I get phone calls saying, "If you don't make so-and-so take down that ugly basketball hoop, I'm going to run-over all the kids with my car!"

But I know that is not what you meant either.

Jason Powers said...

I think "freaked out for your neighborhood" might have been a poor choice of words.

And start saving your phone calls... you may need them in court!

About Me

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As the self-proclaimed and happy-to-meet-you Small Group zealot at River City Community Church, my hope is that this page will make you laugh, learn, grow, smile, and most of all cherish the role you’ve been given to play in the Family. I believe Small Group leadership is the most strategic role in the local Church.